29 Sep Know the Facts About Anesthetic-Free Dentistry (AFD)
The American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) has a very informative website ( http://avdc.org/AFD/ ) solely dedicated to addressing the veterinary and pet owner concerns regarding Anesthetic-Free Dentistry (AFD). I highly recommend you read this to better understand why it is important to have your family pet sedated to have a complete dental procedure performed. While not having your pet sedated may be alluring at first glance, the significant pitfalls to this procedure will steer you away from this choice quickly. It is equally important that your veterinarian perform full-mouth dental x-rays during this periodontal cleaning and polishing exam. If your vet does not perform full-mouth x-rays, you risk the chance (30% dogs and 40% cats) of your pet going home with a significant problem that was not properly diagnosed during the procedure. Not having dental x-rays is like having your car waxed and not checking the engine properly. It may look good, but there’s underlying trouble that is still present.
The website is http://avdc.org/AFD/ . It has been endorsed by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and is now on their website as well. Both veterinarians and pet owners should read this important information before undertaking any dental procedure for a pet.
Your Pet Dentist of Nashville – Barden Greenfield, DVM, DAVDC