Most of us are anxious about going under anesthesia ourselves, so it’s understandable to be anxious about your pet being anesthetized. Anesthesia for animals has come a long way and is safer than it ever was before, and a well-trained veterinary team further reduces your pet’s risk. We strive to provide the very safest and most stress-free anesthesia experience possible for you and your pets. Our individualized approach to anesthesia and pain control helps achieve our goal of a safe anesthetic experience and speedy recovery. Every patient has an anesthetic plan that has been specifically designed for them based on age, breed, and medical history. In addition, every pet has a dedicated nurse whose sole responsibility is to monitor that pet throughout the anesthetic period. For an additional layer of safety, our team can also work with a board-certified veterinary anesthesiologist (Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia & Analgesia.)