Should You Seek a 2nd Opinion From a Specialist When Your Pet Has Dental Issues?

Should You Seek a 2nd Opinion From a Specialist When Your Pet Has Dental Issues?

Over the course of your pet’s lifetime, he/she may develop oral problems such as broken teeth, infected gums, discolored teeth or worse even, a growth (tumor) in the mouth. Some are simple treatments, while others require a more complex treatment plan. Many problems can be addressed by your family veterinarian.

2nd opinion

When an important treatment/diagnosis is needed, or you want all available options presented to you, you may request a consultation with a Veterinary Dental Specialist ( Getting a second opinion allows you, the pet owner, to have peace of mind knowing your family pet is in the capable hands of someone who has spent years in advanced dental training. In addition to formal training, pet dental specialists are required as part of our residency to spend countless hours with veterinary anesthesiologists to hone in on the latest sedation and monitoring techniques.

If your pet has a dental/oral need that requires a veterinary dental specialist Dr. Greenfield’s attention, please contact Tammy @ 901-833-8476. If you have an appointment scheduled, review our checklist to make sure you and your pet are prepared for that 1st visit.

Dr. G     Your Pet Dentist