Watch Out! Grass Seeds Can Get Stuck in Your Dog’s Mouth

Watch Out! Grass Seeds Can Get Stuck in Your Dog’s Mouth

When I was in private practice, I used to see a lot of grass seed foreign bodies between the toes of dogs.  These nasty seeds (aka foxtails) can migrate between the toes and cause significant pain and discomfort. Even worse, they don’t migrate out but rather embed themselves so it festers until it has to be manually removed.


Grass Seeds Can Lead to Abscesses

Last week, a sweet Corginamed Stylle was referred to me at MVS for a recurrent abscess below the eye. It was initially seen by our wonderful ophthalmologist, Dr. William Miller, and he examined and said that there was nothing wrong with the eye and it may be an oral problem.

We sedated Stylle and followed the track from the base of the eye and found a very small puncture hole behind her last molar. After flushing carefully this is what I found. Long story short, think outside the box….and Stylle is now back to normal and feeling great!!!


Grass seed found in the abscessed gingival/sub ocular area of a puppy

Grass seed found in the abscessed gingival/sub ocular area of a puppy






Gutta percha used as a fistulogram to isolate the draining tract and exit of the lesion

Veterinary Dentist in Nashville, Tennessee

At Your Pet Dentist, we’re experienced in treating a wide range of dental issues in dogs and cats. If you have any concerns about your pet’s dental health or suspect they have something stuck in their teeth, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Dr. Barden Greenfield – Your Pet Dentist of Nashville