Author: DrG

Dr. Greenfield recently wrote an article for Today's Veterinary Practice. We wanted to share the article on our blog and you can read the entire article by clicking here. Chronic Feline Gingivostomatitis: Proven Therapeutic Approaches & New Treatment Options Barden Greenfield, DVM, DAVDC, FAVD Chronic gingivostomatitis (CGS) in...

Dr. Greenfield and his practice were recently featured on We are humbled to share this with you and you can read the full article by clicking here. Veterinarian Dr. Barden Greenfield Finds Calling as Pet Dentist By Don Wade Dr. Barden Greenfield was rolling along with his...

Dental examinations including sedation, cleaning, polishing, probing, and dental radiography are recommended annually. Removal of supra gingival (visible) calculus is only a minor aspect of the procedure. Removal of subgingival plaque and calculus is actually more important, as this is where the disease process originates....

I recommend dental radiographs on every annual ATP (Assessment, Treatment, Prevention) I perform. Regardless if the visible crown looks good, there could be problems lurking below the gumline. Studies show that almost 3 in 10 dogs and 4 in 10 cats have problems under the...